These are the main parts of the Fixie - for a detailed X-Ray view please refer to the Schematic. This drawing is to provide the basic nomenclature to talk about the grinder.

Out of the box your Fixie will have the 3 Fixie Disks and 4 Tuner Shims captured under the Top Nut. The Hopper Plug is in the Grounds Jar along with a handy can to store your Fixie Disks & Tuner Shims when they are not in use on the grinder.
Tips for general use:

And remember:

Setting up for first grind:
1. Remove Jar
2. Push Burr up while removing Top Nut & hold in place while performing steps 3-6
3. Remove Fixie Disk and Tuner Shim Stack from Axle
4. Select the Fixie Disk of your Choice: Fine - 1 dot, Medium - 2 dots, Coarse - 3 dots and slide onto axle flush to Top Plate of Hopper
5. Install Drive Disk/ Handle assembly (note flat sides of axle top and matching flats of Drive Disk opening)
6. Install & tighten Top Nut against Drive Disk
7. Add beans to Hopper, install Hopper Plug & you are ready to grind (don't forget to put the jar back on!)

Before you remove the jar:

In many cases the Fixie Disk alone will provide the grind you need for your brewing method.
But, if you find that you want to 'fine tune' the grind, then here is how to use the Tuner Shims to Tune your Grind:
Note: Each Fixie Disk represents the coarsest grind of that range. The grind setting can be made finer by adding one or two Tuner Shims in any combination to the Adjustment Stack. The Fixie Disks, in conjunction with the Tuner Shims create the full continuity of grind setting range. When using a Tuner Shim it should be installed on top of the Fixie Disk between the Fixie Disk and the Drive Disk with handle:

IF the Medium Fixie Disk (Pourover or Filter Coffee) is not fine enough, then add the appropriate Tuner Shim or Shims to create a finer grind.
IF you want to adjust the Fine Disk to the maximum fineness of the Fixie, add all 4 Tuner Shims - this is the finest the Fixie will go.
Once you have established your Fixie Disk/Tuner Shim combination, and installed them, the grind setting CAN NOT slip, wander, shift, or change. It is Fixed.
DO NOT put the Fixie in the Dishwasher. DO NOT USE WATER TO CLEAN THE BURRS. The burrs are steel, and they can rust. For cleaning use a brush - a toothbrush works very well.
Disassembly for cleaning - remove the Top Nut, Drive Disk/Handle Assembly, and the Fixie Disks/Tuner Shims and the Cone burr/Axle will slide right out of the grinder. Brush the burrs clean, use a soft clean cloth on the hopper if you like, or blow out with air - at your discretion.
The Fixie requires NO maintenance. The low friction drive bearings require no oil, or attention.
All of the parts of the drive assembly and hopper are CNC Machined to tight tolerances. The Fixie is permanently aligned and requires NO disassembly or maintenance.
The Titanium Jar may be washed with mild soap & water.
ALL of the components of the Fixie are made of materials which are naturally static dissipative. Please do not use water on your beans while grinding - it's not necessary and it can cause damage to the grinder.
IF your Fixie ends up in the river - remove the axle/cone burr assembly and completely dry all the parts, and reassemble, then grind some coffee to recoat burrs with coffee oils.
As with ANY quality coffee grinder there will be a break-in period for your Fixie burrs. Expect the grind to get better with time.
IMPORTANT!!!! All of the parts of the Fixie are as close to 'off the tool' as possible. This means no extra polishing, or unnecessary steps between the manufacture of the part and the final cosmetic disposition. You may find a small tool mark, a small cosmetic defect - we do not reject parts for these types of reasons - one of the largest components of waste in manufacturing is the discarding of otherwise functional parts for very minor cosmetic defects. We only reject parts for truly egregious manufacturing flaws or fitment issues.
Patent Applied For